
An International Comparison of Clinical Psychology in Practice

West Meets East

定価: 4,180 (本体 3,800 円+税)

下山晴彦(しもやま はるひこ)
東京大学大学院教育学研究科 臨床心理学コース教授
Ⅰ Clinical Psychology in Practice in Countries
Chapter 1 Responding to Psychological Need
The Impact of Values,Evidence,Need and Policy on the Practice of Applied Psychologists in Health Care
(John Hall Professor Oxford Brookes University)
Chapter 2 New Law for Psychological Psychotherapists in Germany
Its Rules and Consequence
(Dietmar Schulte Professor Bochum University)
Chapter 3 What Valumes Are Inspiring Swedish Clinical Psychology Development?
(Gunnel Backenroth Professor Karolinska Institutet)
Chapter 4 Clinical Psychology in Japan
Towerd Integration Inside and Pecognition from Outside
(Haruhiko Shimoyama Progessor University of Tokyo)
Chapter 5 Clinical Psychology in China
Development and Challenges
(Mingyi Qian Professor Peking University)
Ⅱ Clinical Psychology in Practice in Cross-Cultures
Chapter 6 The Applicability of psychologies Developed within One Set Cultures to Other Cultures
Working in Cross-cultural and International Settings
(John Hall)
Chapter 7 What is the Role of Science in Developing Clinical Psychology as a Peofession?
A Comparative Study on Clinical Psychology between Japan and Britain
(Haruhiko Shimoyama)
Chapter 8 North Meets South
Prespectives on Training in Clinical Psychology in Canada and Australia,with Comments on Singapore
(Edward Helmes Professor James Cook University)
Chapter 9 Cultural Differences and the Practice of Clinical Psychology in Japan and the United States
Cross-cultural Professional Experiences
(Junko Tanaka-Matsumi Professor Kwansei Gakuin University)
Ⅲ An Example of Development of Clinical Psychology in Culture:Japan
Chapter 10 Rises and Falls of Clinical Psychology in Japan
A Perspective on the Status of Japanese Clinical Psychology
(Tatsuya Sato Professor Ritsumeikan University)
Chapter 11 Creating Modern Nation and the Development of Helping Profession in Japan
(Noriko Hiraki Professor Tokyo University of Social Welfare)
Chapter 12 The Training of Clinical Psychologists in Japan
What We Can Learn from Counselor Training in Canada
(Shigeru Iwakabe Associete Professor Ochanomizu University)
著者下山晴彦 編著
判型 A5