
Black Sheep Effect from the Social Identity Perspective

定価: 14,300 (本体 13,000 円+税)

大石千歳(おおいし ちとせ)
1995年 東京学芸大学教育学部人間科学課程(心理臨床専攻)卒業
2001年 筑波大学博士課程心理学研究科修了 博士(心理学)
2002年 東京女子体育大学・同短期大学専任講師(教育心理学)


『社会的アイデンティティ理論による黒い羊効果の研究』(風間書房 2003)など
Preface to the English Edition
Chapter l The Black Sheep Effect and Social Identity
 Section1 The Black Sheep Effect
 Section2 Social Identity Theory
Chapter2 Models Other Than Social Identity Theory
-Comparison with Schema Complexity-based Social
Cognitive Research-
 Section1 Theories Based on Schema Complexity
 Section2 Schema Complexity and Social Identity Theory
 Section3 Stereotype-based Expectancy Violation as a Solution
 Section4 Research Needed:Ingroup/Outgroup Comparative Context
Chapter3 Black Sheep Effect and Ingroup Favoritism
 Section1 Ingroup Favoritism as a Central Problem in Social Identity Theory
Section2 Black Sheep Effect and Ingroup Favoritism
Section3 Black Sheep Effect/Ingroup Favoritism and Group Identification
Chapter4 Black Sheep Effect and Self-categOrization
-Ingroup Homogeneity,a Medium between Group
Identification and BlackSheep Effect-
Section1 Self-CategOrization Theory
Section2 Black Sheep Effect and Self-CategOrization Theory
Section3 Black Sheep Effect and Ingroup Homogeneity
Section4 Black Sheep Effect as a Bridge between Social Identity Research and Social Cognitive Research
Chapter5 Intrinsic/Extrinsic Factors Related to Group Identification and Ingroup Member Evaluation
Section1 Extrinsic Factors
Section2 Intrinsic(Personal)Factors
Chapter6 Other Problemsin Black Sheep Effect Research
Section1 ProblemsinEvaluative Dimensions
Section2 ProblemsinTargetPresentation
Chapter7 Introduction Summary and Purpose of the Study
PartII-Experimental Studies
Chapter8 Black Sheep Effect and Intergroup Comparative Context
Section1 Occurrence of Black Sheep Effect: Within-Subjects Testing(Study1)
Section2 Black Sheep Effect and Manipulation of Comparative Context for Membership Salience (Study2)
Chapter9 The Black Sheep Effect and Ingroup Favoritism
Section1 Simultaneous Occurrence of the Black Sheep Effect and Ingroup Favoritism Use of Distribution Matrices(Study3)
Section2 Relationship between the Black Sheep Effect and Ingroup Favoritism;Effect of Group Identification (Study4)
Section3 Ingroup Favoritism and the Black Sheep Effect:Use of Adjective Scales(Study5)
Chapter10  Group Identification and the Black Sheep Effect Ingroup Homogeneity as a Mediating Factor
Section1 Relationship between Group Identification and Group Membership Consciousness,and Their Relationship with Ingroup Homogeneity(Study6)
Section2 Correlation between the Black Sheep Effect and Ingroup Homogeneity(Study7)
Section3 Influence of Group Identification on the Black Sheep Effect : Ingroup Homogeneity as a Mediating Factor(Study8)
Chapter11 Personal Factors Related to Group Identification
Section1 Relationship of Public/Private Self-awareness With Group Identification and Group Membership Consciousness(Study9)
Section2 Ten-Statements Test and the Relationship between Group Identification and Group Membership Consciousness(Study10)
Section3 Relationship ofthe Big Five with Group Identification and Group Membership Consciousness(Studyll)
Chapter12 TheImpact ofIngroup Evaluation on the Black Sheep Effect Use of Descriptive Target Presentation
Section1 Target Presentation Methods and the Black Sheep Effect (Study12)
Section2 The Effect of Positive/Negative Evaluation of the Ingroup on Social Identity andIngroup Member Evaluations (Study13)PartIII-General Discussion
Chapter13 Review of Experimental Studies
Chapter14 Position of This Studyin Group Research;Direction for the Future
著者大石千歳 著
判型 A5