
Cognitive Control of Emotional Distress

定価: 9,900 (本体 9,000 円+税)


杉浦知子(すぎうら ともこ)
1974年 千葉県に生まれる
1997年 共立女子大学家政学部食物学科卒
1999年 日本女子大学大学院家政学研究科修士課程修了
2003年 日本女子大学大学院人間生活学研究科博士課程修了(博士(学術))
2003年 国立精神・神経センター精神保健研究所 研究生
2005年 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)
2013年 日本学術振興会特別研究員(RPD)
Preface to the English Edition
Section 1 Study Aims
Chapter 1 Research Background
Chapter 2 Research Purpose
Section 2 Development of the Cognitive Control Scale(CCS)
Chapter 3 Study 1a Factor Structure and Reliability of the CCS
Study 1b Factor Structure of the Cognitive Control Scale: Gender Differences
Chapter 4 Study 2 Validity of the Cognitive Control Scale
Section 3 Relationship between Cognitive Control and Depression
Chapter 5 Study 3 Ameliorating Effect of Cognitive Control on Depression
Chapter 6 Study 4 Ameliorating Effect of Cognitive Control on Depression: Self-efficacy as a Mediator
Chapter 7 Study 5 Ameliorating Effect of Cognitive Control on Depression: Optimism as a Mediator
Chapter 8 Study 6 Ameliorating Effect of Cognitive Control on Depression: Depressogenic Schema,Errors in Reasoning,and Automatic Thoughts as Mediators
Chapter 9 Study 7 Causal Relationship between Cognitive Control and Depression: A Longitudinal Study
Section 4 Relationship between Cognitive Control and Psychological Problems other than Depression
Chapter 10 Study 8 Relationship between Cognitive Control and Maladaptive Metacognitions
Chapter 11 Study 9 Relationship between Cognitive Control and Eating Disorder Symptoms
Chapter 12 Study 10 Relationship between Cognitive Control and Panic Symptoms
Section 5 Factors Underpinning Cognitive Control
Chapter 13 Study 11 Personality Traits and Coping Strategies related to Cognitive Control
Section 6 Conclusions
Chapter 14 Research Conclusions and Suggestions
First reports
著者杉浦知子 著
判型 A5



杉浦知子 著

定価: 8,250 円(税込)